Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pink Ribbonwalk 2014

On Saturday 17th May i took part in the 10mile Ribbonwalk at Hampton court palace. 

Entrance to Hampton Court
Beautiful Gardens
 I'm not going to lie, when i signed up i thought '10 miles.. pffffft thats easy, i basically do that on a long walk with the dogs'

Ohhhhh. I. Was. So. Wrong.

The temp was about 25c, i was sweating before we even started... sexy i know.

Once we had registered and got into the event village we went to watch the starting ceremony and do the warm up. They had a couple of celeb's up on stage to kick start it, one of them was Andrea McLean from Loose women. 

I watch the programme every lunch time so as soon as i saw her get off stage i grabbed my friend Becky and said we're going to chat to her and get a photo. (Now this is totally out of character for me, i saw Essie Button at a blogger event and couldn't even speak to her!!! doh fan girl moment) I decided to sieze the moment and pounce. She was lovely, didn't mind at all that we wanted a photo and had a little chat with us before she had to run to the start to set everyone off.

We then went over to finish the warm up, and get in line to start, we were in the second phase and quickly made it to the front of phase 1. But over time we dwindled back a bit. 

The scenery was amazing, really beautiful walking along the Thames to Kingston, and then onto Teddington and through Bushy park.

 I've never been to Bushy park before, there was deer everywhere! SO CUTE!!!!

 Once we reached the nine mile mark we felt a boost of enthusiasm to finish the race, but Ohhh my god it felt like the longest mile of my life.

Becky & The view from the end of the lake - Hampton court in the distance

Just before the finish line was rows of peoples pink ribbons... i kept mine as i wanted to scrapbook it. :)

nce we got to the end i just whipped my shoes off and felt like throwing myself onto the floor and ordering to be air lifted home. My right leg hurt SO BAD. I could barely walk, i was walking at a snails pace, (i feel bad for Becky as i think i slowed us down a fair bit.) We then went to get some food which was part of the 10th Anniversary celebrations.

Pasta with Veggie sauce and cheese with salad and yummy bread!
It felt so good to be given a medal, i felt like i really deserved this one!

 We were also given goody bags which was pretty darn awesome!

In the bag it had a copy of a foody edition of Women and Home. Becky loved it as it had TONS of good recipes in. There was a Spa tone liquid iron supplement, tester of a Yardley perfume, chocolate flapjack, Teapigs lemon and Ginger tea.  There was also lots of leaflets about breast cancer care. I like the bag too, its one of those Eco shopping bags, plus i can flaunt it show i did the walk! hehe

 By the time i got home walking was so painful it brought tears to my eyes. Horrific! Note to self dont EVER, EVER EVER have a sports massage. It was the most painful thing inthe world, however i think its helped my leg sort it self out, as by sunday afternoon i could walk again. woooo hooo

I'm proud of us! 

Well done Becky for putting up with me moaning about my leg! xx